National Disability Claims Attorneys Representing IT Professionals

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our insurance claims attorneys know an estimated 9.4 million people work in information technology professions nationwide.
Whether these IT professionals work for themselves, small businesses, large corporations, or government entities, their lives can be turned upside down when they have been injured in an accident or suffer an illness requiring them to take extended or permanent leave.
This is why many IT industry professionals invest in private disability insurance or enroll in voluntary employer-provided disability coverage to protect their futures should the unthinkable occur.
While white-collar disability insurance coverage provides beneficial terms that give IT professionals confidence in its protection, these professionals are also at a higher risk of being denied benefits when filing a claim. Insurance companies see IT professionals as employees who can work from anywhere, anytime. They do not consider their jobs physically demanding, which makes the definition of “disability” hard to fulfill.
We disagree. We understand that disabilities come in all forms, and each should be protected by the policies IT professionals have paid for through their premiums or as part of their workplace benefits packages.
If there has been a change in your ability to work as an IT professional, no matter where your office is in the U.S., we can help you pursue your disability insurance for your complete coverage, so you can confidently move forward. Contact us today to learn more.
Should IT Professionals Partner with an Attorney Before Filing a Disability Insurance Claim?
Working in a white-collar profession, like information technology, affords self-employed and corporate employees exceptional disability insurance terms with well-paying policy limits.
This is typically true because the insurance industry does not view IT professions as dangerous or high-risk. Instead, insurance companies count on these professionals to pay their premiums, with slimmer chances of them having to pay for a disability claim.
The insurance company will also be prepared to fight the claim when an IT professional suffers an injury or illness that keeps them out of work. This typically begins with insisting — because of their non-physical employment roles — that they can still work and are thereby not disabled.
It is not up to the insurance industry to decide what qualifies as a disability in your profession; thereby, it cannot reduce your claim to something as simple as the ability to consult remotely or sit behind a computer assessing your client’s or employer’s technical needs.
Our national disability insurance attorneys for IT professionals will review your case during a free consultation, outline the medical evidence and other crucial documentation that supports your disability claim, and present it to your insurance company to pursue the disability benefits you are entitled to from your unique policy. Having a team of skilled disability insurance attorneys by your side from the beginning decreases the likelihood that the insurance company will undervalue or deny your claim, so you can begin collecting the income you are entitled to from your policy.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you pursue your IT professional disability insurance for your complete benefit needs, so you can return to enjoying life as an individual instead of a policy number.
Can IT Professionals Appeal a Denied Disability Insurance Claim?
IT professionals are typically covered by individual private disability policies, employer-paid disability policies, or government employer-paid policies that all have specific terms and conditions to meet before they qualify for payment.
When policyholders cannot reach the burden of proof necessary to meet the threshold of an approved claim, including the required medical records and supporting documentation that must accompany its submission, it is often denied automatically.
Whether you seek residual disability benefits — if you reduce your hours or eliminate specific duties — or the total monthly benefits provided by the policy, the insurance company will not approve your claim just because you said you were too hurt or ill to go to work.
That is why we are here. Even if your claim has been denied, we can outline a persuasive appeal package to pursue your desired outcome.
Our U.S. disability insurance attorneys for IT professionals help our clients maximize the benefits under their disability policies, whether you are permanently unable to work or would like to step away from the IT industry and engage in another type of work that accommodates your abilities.
No matter which insurance company holds your IT professional disability policy or if you have already been denied disability benefits, our attorneys will provide the exacting legal representation you need to pursue results.
At Disability Insurance Law Group, we also offer insurance claims for the following occupations:
Contact Our Dedicated Disability Insurance Claims Attorneys for insurance claim adjusters Today
Contact our national disability insurance attorneys for IT professionals today by calling (954)-989-900 or contact us online to schedule a completely free and confidential case assessment, so we can put our over 50 years of combined experience to work for you — no matter where you work or live in the U.S.