Serving Florida and Nationwide
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(954) 989-9000
Serving Florida and Nationwide
Call For A Free Consultation (954) 989-9000

Holding Insurance Companies Accountable For The Coverage They Promised and The Benefits You Deserve. Serving Florida and Nationwide.

Latest Blog Posts

What Happens If Your Employer or Insurance Provider Misclassifies Your Disability?

When you file a disability insurance claim, you expect a fair evaluation of your condition and the benefits you are entitled to under your policy. However, misclassification of your disability...

What Happens If Your Disability Insurance Policy Has an Exclusion Clause?

Disability insurance provides financial security when an illness or injury prevents you from working. However, many policyholders are surprised that their disability insurance policy includes exclusion clauses that limit or...

Dealing with Denials for Invisible Disabilities: Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, and More

Applying for disability insurance benefits can be challenging, but it becomes even more difficult when dealing with invisible disabilities like chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), migraines, and autoimmune...

Helping You Understand Short-Term Disability Options in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

A short-term disability insurance policy pays a disability benefit if you are unable to work due to sickness or injury. Generally, such policies will pay for the first 26 weeks of disability. Such short-term benefits are essential to meet you and your family’s immediate financial needs. However, sometimes there is a denial or discontinuance of benefits before this 26-week period ends.

It’s important to understand that you can appeal a claim denial. The attorneys at Disability Insurance Law Group have significant experience helping individuals obtain disability benefits. We understand the tactics insurance companies will take in denial or termination of benefits. Whatever your circumstances, we will fight in helping you obtain the benefits you need and deserve.

When Employers Fail To Abide By The Appeals Process

While you can purchase short-term disability policies privately (governed by state law), most such policies are available through the workplace (governed by ERISA). Unfortunately, there is often a failure to follow the appeals process following a denial of an application or claim. Such a failure can prevent you from appealing the claim in court at a later point in time.

Because short-term disability benefits can help you stay financially afloat, the guidance of a skilled disability lawyer is invaluable. Disability Insurance Law Group will be there with you through the entire appeal process. Because of our understanding of the disability insurance process, we will make certain you do not miss any deadlines. We will also make certain the appeals process is just and fair. Such representation greatly enhances your chances for a successful appeal.

Helping You Apply For Your Short-Term Disability Benefits

It is important to fill out your application correctly. Mistakes made in applying for short-term disability benefits can result in denial or termination of your benefits. Also, mistakes can result in further delay in receiving benefits.

With over 50 years of combined experience, our disability lawyers at Disability Insurance Law Group have been helping individuals apply for disability benefits since opening our doors. We understand what information you will need to provide to fill out a successful application. We can also provide you a straightforward assessment concerning all of your legal options.

We Are Here To Help You

While based in Florida, our law firm provides services and representation nationwide. To set up a free initial consultation, please call us at 954-989-9000 or send us an email.

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  • 3201 W. Commercial Blvd. Suite 227
  • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Call For A Free Consultation (954) 989-9000

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