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Disability Insurance Law Blog

Pro Athletes May Face Disability Insurance Claim Fights

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Pro Athletes Disability Benefits

At our law firm, we represent professional athletes in their claims for disability insurance. Pro athletes are of course at higher risk than most people of serious work injury because

Social-Media Surveillance Of Disability Claimant’s Activities

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Insurance Company Tactics

We recently posted information in this space about how disability insurers use surveillance to investigate the lifestyles of their disability claimants to try to uncover evidence that the claimants’ activities

Policy Language Limits Disability Insurer Administrator’s Power

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied ERISA Claims

A recent court opinion sheds light on the ramifications of disability insurance policy language that describes what powers the insurer’s administrator has to decide claims. We recently posted a blog

Insurers Use Of Drones In Surveillance Of Disability Claimants

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Insurance Company Tactics

When you are ill or injured to the point where you had to file a claim for disability benefits under your disability insurance policy, it can be disheartening to learn

Court Uses De Novo Standard Of Review When Insurer Blew Deadline

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Appealing A Claim Denial

A federal appeals court decided that because a disability insurance plan administrator missed a strict ERISA deadline for issuing a benefits decision on review, the correct standard for the court

What Is A Disability Insurer’s Structural Conflict Of Interest?

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied ERISA Claims

A large insurance company that sells short- or long-term disability coverage can intimidate an individual fighting for their rightful benefits after having become disabled. When that insurer decides its own

Female Soccer Players And Disabling Brain Injury

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Pro Athletes Disability Benefits

At Disability Insurance Law Group, we represent professional athletes in their claims for long-term disability insurance often based on debilitating mental or physical injuries. Obviously, professional sports are not gentle on

Court Holds LTD Claimant Did Not Have A Pre-Existing Condition

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied ERISA Claims

On Sept. 3, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit held that Aetna had wrongly denied long-term disability insurance coverage to a claimant with malignant melanoma. The opinion turns

Man With Severe Heart Condition Denied Disability By Cigna

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Appealing A Claim Denial

When Florida residents have a medical disability that keeps them from working, they often depend on their disability insurance to help them financially survive. Unfortunately, insurance companies sometimes refuse to

Work-Related Injuries May Qualify For Short-Term And Long-Term Disability Benefits

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance Policies

Injuries that occur on the job may be compensated through a workers’ compensation claim. However, injuries that result in a prolonged absence or even permanent disability may qualify the employee

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