Disability Insurance Law Blog
What Types Of Physical Conditions Does Disability Insurance Cover?
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General TopicsIf you have a disability insurance policy, it is important to understand what that policy covers in case you ever lose your ability to work due to an illness or
Patterns In Long-Term Care Insurance Denials, Part 2
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied Long Term Care ClaimsAfter paying the premiums for long-term care insurance coverage for years, it can be emotionally upsetting and financially devastating when the insurance company denies a claim for benefits. Unfortunately, this
What You Need To Know About Your Accidental Death And Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance Policy
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Application ProcessEach year, millions of Americans pay insurance companies for coverage, trusting that if the unexpected happens, the terms of the policy will be honored and their claims will be paid.
What You Need To Know BEFORE Appealing A Short-Term Or Long-Term Disability Insurance Claim…
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied Private Disability Ins. ClaimsYour insurance claim has been denied, now what? Dealing with insurance claims that have been denied can lead to frustration, confusion, and discouragement. The reality is, the appeal process can
Delay And Deception: Disability Insurer Tactics In Claim Denials
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Insurance Company TacticsDelay And Deception Insurance companies that sell short- or long-term disability insurance policies are in business to make a profit. It follows that they are not necessarily there to be
Did Your Disability Insurer Weaponize An Independent Medical Exam?
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied Disability Insurance ClaimMost disability insurance policies allow the insurer to arrange for a reasonable, relevant independent medical examination (IME) of the claimant. While on its face this sounds fair and even potentially
Did Your Disability Insurer Weaponize An Independent Medical Exam?
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied Disability Insurance Claim Insurance Company TacticsMost disability insurance policies allow the insurer to arrange for a reasonable, relevant independent medical examination (IME) of the claimant. While on its face this sounds fair and even potentially
Interpleader Suits To Determine Rightful Life Insurance Beneficiaries
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | InterpleaderLife insurance seems straightforward. You buy a policy or get one through your employment that will pay money to your beneficiary after your death. You name your beneficiary or beneficiaries
Interpleader Suits To Determine Rightful Life Insurance Beneficiaries
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied Life Insurance ClaimsRightful Life Insurance Beneficiaries Life insurance seems straightforward. You buy a policy or get one through your employment that will pay money to your beneficiary after your death. You name
Disability Insurers Use Aggressive Surveillance To Deny Claims
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Insurance Company TacticsUsing a variety of surveillance and investigation techniques, disability insurance companies often try to gather information about claimants’ daily activities. Then, they use the information to say the claimants are