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Serving Florida and Nationwide
Call For A Free Consultation (954) 989-9000

Holding Insurance Companies Accountable For The Coverage They Promised and The Benefits You Deserve. Serving Florida and Nationwide.

Why Well-Prepared Insurance Claims and Applications Can Result in Achieving the Benefits You Are Entitled To

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General Topics

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our attorneys know that well-prepared insurance claims and applications are critical to achieving the benefits you are entitled to. You can significantly increase your chances of success by presenting a clear, organized, and compelling case to the insurer.

A robust and well-prepared claim eliminates ambiguity, making it harder for the insurer to dispute or deny your eligibility. It also ensures that your claim aligns with the policy’s terms and conditions, giving you the best possible chance of securing the necessary benefits. Your seriousness and attention to detail in the preparation process can help expedite approval and avoid costly and time-consuming appeals.

Prepared Insurance Claims and Applications

We’ve helped clients with this process for over 50 combined years, including a pharmacist who contacted our law firm to help him apply for long-term disability benefits under his employer’s group policy and disability benefits under the individual policy he procured on his own.

Because we had submitted a very detailed claim application, the interviews went quickly and smoothly, as most of the questions had already been addressed on the claim forms.

Within three weeks of filing the claim with both carriers, both claims were approved, bringing relief and peace of mind to our client.

It should be noted that a claim approval does not mean that the insurance company will continue to pay benefits without ongoing proof of claim. We continue to work with him and his treating physicians to update both carriers and ensure the claimant and attending physician forms contain the information necessary to keep him on the claim.

When we partner with our clients—no matter where they live or work in the U.S. —we pride ourselves on being their partners going forward, providing ongoing support and guidance.

While your disability insurance claim may be more straightforward and only involve one insurer, remember that thorough preparation, including documenting your medical condition, providing complete and accurate information, and submitting all required forms on time, puts you in control and reduces the chances of delays, denials, or requests for additional information.

When Should I Contact the Disability Insurance Law Group?

No matter what stage of the disability process you are in—whether you need to apply for benefits, have already applied but are waiting for a determination, have been denied benefits, or have been approved but are frustrated with the ongoing requests for information and proof of claim, wish to seek a lump sum buyout of your policy, or believe litigation is necessary—our nationwide insurance claims attorneys have extensive experience in each area and has handled thousands of disability claims with almost every disability carrier on the market.

Contact Our Attorney for a Free Consultation Today

Call (954)-989-9000 or contact us online to schedule a free and confidential case assessment.

We can use our over 50 years of combined experience to help ensure that your application meets the required standards and effectively communicates the need for your specific benefits.

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  • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
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