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Serving Florida and Nationwide
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Holding Insurance Companies Accountable For The Coverage They Promised and The Benefits You Deserve. Serving Florida and Nationwide.

Chronic Pain and Disability Insurance: Proving Your Claim, No Matter Where You Live in the U.S.

On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General Topics

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our attorneys understand that chronic pain insurance claims are often considered subjective due to the inherent nature of pain and the difficulties associated with measuring and validating it objectively.

Chronic pain often lacks visible symptoms, making it difficult to substantiate with standard medical tests. Although proving a disability insurance claim due to chronic pain can be challenging, we also know it is crucial for securing the benefits you deserve.

Here, we discuss critical steps to documenting your chronic pain to help build a strategic approach that can strengthen it.

Chronic Pain and Disability Insurance

Step One: Keep Detailed Medical Documentation

Medical records should detail the nature, frequency, duration, and intensity of your pain and how it impacts your daily activities. Continuously document your medical visits, treatments, and diagnoses in detail, including notes from physicians, pain specialists, and other healthcare providers.

If your medical team believes you should participate in a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), which evaluates your ability to perform various physical tasks, follow their instructions. An FCE can document the physical limitations caused by your pain, providing objective data to support your claim.

In addition to your physical treatment, chronic pain often has psychological components, such as depression or anxiety. Psychological evaluations, therapy records, and ongoing treatment can underscore the full impact of your condition on your mental and emotional health.

Step Two: Consistent Treatment History

Show that you have followed a consistent treatment plan your physicians and specialists outlined. This may include medication, physical therapy, surgery, and any other treatments recommended by healthcare professionals. Insurers look for well-documented treatment efforts to assess the severity and legitimacy of the claim. Skipping appointments, failing to follow prescription requirements, and other pitfalls can give the insurance company reasons to deny your claim.

Step Three: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Expert Testimonials

Statements from your treating physicians and possibly third-party medical experts specializing in pain management can provide credibility to your claim. These experts can offer detailed insights into how your chronic pain results in disability. We can help you obtain these statements by requesting them directly from your medical providers to help support your claim.

Step Four: Keep Pain Journals or Diaries of How Your Life Is Impacted By Chronic Pain

Keeping a daily record of your pain levels, triggers, and the limitations it imposes can provide a tangible document that outlines the day-to-day impact of your condition. This personal record can be a powerful tool in illustrating the chronic nature of your pain.

In addition, descriptions of how your pain affects your personal, social, and work life can help paint a comprehensive picture of your disability. This can include statements from family, friends, or coworkers to help build your claim.

Step Five: Seek Legal Assistance from Experienced Nationwide Disability Insurance Claims Attorneys

Contact our skilled national disability lawyers by calling (954)-989-9000 or online to schedule a free and confidential case assessment. We understand the intricacies of nationwide insurance claims and can navigate your state’s complex policy language and requirements.

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our lawyers can also represent you in dealings with the insurance company, increasing the likelihood of a successful claim by compiling a robust and detailed case that integrates medical evidence, personal testimony, and professional analysis so you can effectively demonstrate how chronic pain has disabled you.

Allow us to put our over 50 years of combined experience to work for you.

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