Disability Insurance Law Blog
What Happens If Your Employer or Insurance Provider Misclassifies Your Disability?
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance PoliciesWhen you file a disability insurance claim, you expect a fair evaluation of your condition and the benefits you are entitled to under your policy. However, misclassification of your disability
What Happens If Your Disability Insurance Policy Has an Exclusion Clause?
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied Disability Insurance ClaimDisability insurance provides financial security when an illness or injury prevents you from working. However, many policyholders are surprised that their disability insurance policy includes exclusion clauses that limit or
Dealing with Denials for Invisible Disabilities: Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, and More
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Denied Disability Insurance ClaimApplying for disability insurance benefits can be challenging, but it becomes even more difficult when dealing with invisible disabilities like chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), migraines, and autoimmune
How to Prove Total Disability vs. Partial Disability in Your Insurance Claim
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General Topics Disability Insurance PoliciesFiling a disability insurance claim can be overwhelming, especially when determining whether your condition qualifies as a total disability or a partial disability under your policy. Insurance companies scrutinize these
Disability Insurance and Self-Employed Professionals: What You Need to Know
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General Topics UncategorizedFor self-employed professionals, disability insurance is an essential safety net. Unlike traditional employees, entrepreneurs, freelancers, consultants, and small business owners cannot access employer-sponsored disability coverage. This makes individual disability insurance
What to Do If Your Insurer Claims You’re No Longer Disabled
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General TopicsReceiving long-term disability (LTD) benefits can provide crucial financial support when you’re unable to work due to a disabling condition. However, many claimants face an unexpected challenge: their insurance company may decide
What it Means to File a Lawsuit Against Your Insurance Company for LTD Denials
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Appealing A Claim DenialFiling a long-term disability (LTD) claim is often a critical step for individuals unable to work due to severe health conditions. However, when your insurance company denies your claim, the path
How a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) Can Impact Your Long-Term Disability Claim
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General TopicsWhen filing a long-term disability (LTD) claim, insurance companies often require claimants to undergo a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE). This assessment is designed to evaluate your physical and/or cognitive abilities to
What You Need to Know About Appealing an LTD Denial Based on “Objective Evidence”
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | Disability Insurance – General TopicsIf your long-term disability (LTD) claim has been denied because of a lack of “objective evidence,” you’re not alone. Insurance companies often use this reason to deny claims, especially for conditions like chronic
What to Do When Your Long-Term Disability Benefits Are Suddenly Terminated
On Behalf of Disability Insurance Law Group | | UncategorizedIf you’ve been receiving long-term disability (LTD) benefits, having them suddenly terminated can be devastating—both financially and emotionally. Insurance companies are often quick to cut off benefits, citing medical improvement, failure to