Florida and Nationwide Berkshire Hathaway Disability Insurance Claims Attorneys

At Disability Insurance Law Group, our Florida and nationwide attorneys know that Berkshire Hathaway is one of the most trusted names in business. Its main business and source of capital is insurance, from which it invests the retained premiums in a broad portfolio of subsidiaries, equity positions, and other securities. The company has been overseen since 1965 by its chairperson and CEO Warren Buffett and vice chairperson Charlie Munger (since 1978), who are known for their advocacy of value investing principles.
By the end of 2016, the company was writing over $1 billion in premiums, operating nationwide, and actively writing seven other lines of insurance, including business policies, commercial liability umbrella/excess, commercial auto, professional liability, statutory disability coverage, and homeowners/personal umbrella coverage.
From a disability insurance standpoint, Berkshire Hathaway focuses on providing policy solutions for business professionals, including doctors, dentists, and attorneys, where the policy comes down to paying benefits for total disability or benefits based on its residual disability provision. The language for each makes an enormous difference in how policyholders move forward financially after an injury or illness changes their lives.
That is why we are here. Our disability insurance attorneys represent Berkshire Hathaway policyholders across the nation — no matter where they live or work in the U.S. We will review your policy and its language to understand how your coverage meets the legal threshold necessary to produce the best outcome for your claim.
What is the Difference Between the Insurance Company’s Total and Residual Disability Provisions?
Whether you have purchased private Berkshire Hathaway disability insurance, or if your coverage is provided as a statutory benefit directly through your employment, the only crucial factor you may be concerned with is if you are left disabled and unable to return to work on a short-term or long-term basis, is will pay the benefits that are outlined in your policy.
While the statutory requirements for employee disability pay are required by law in certain states, and are often straightforward, business professionals who pursue their policies often receive less than straightforward disputes and denials from their employers.
One of the most confounding factors of individual disability insurance policies is the distinction between total disability and residual disability.
- Total disability is typically defined as being unable to perform the substantial and material duties of an occupation at the onset of your claim.
- Partial disability, also known as residual disability, is typically defined as being unable to do one or more of the duties of your occupation, leading to a loss of earnings of 20% or more.
While Berkshire Hathaway’s disability insurance policies promise to provide financial security to policyholders who cannot work due to an accident, injury, or illness, the company’s definition of partially or totally disabled may differ from yours — and ours.
With over 50 combined years of experience, our Florida, Nationwide Berkshire Hathaway disability insurance attorneys know that understanding the definition that dictates your coverage is key to winning and maintaining your disability benefits.
You do not have to take the insurance company’s word for your disability designation. We will review your claim to determine if Berkshire Hathaway adjusters may have used a policy with ambiguous language regarding total versus residual disabilities to classify you with a residual disability.
Hiring a U.S. Berkshire Hathaway disability insurance claim lawyer at the start of the process can mean the difference between the insurance undervaluing your claim and receiving your disability benefits in full.
We are fully dedicated to providing transparent legal services that allow us to pursue real results for real people who need our help – no matter where they live or work in the U.S.
At Disability Insurance Law Group, We Also Offer Insurance Claims For The Following companies:
Contact Disability Insurance Law Group to Get Help With Your Claim Today
If you are receiving resistance from Berkshire Hathaway for your U.S. disability claim, or if your claim has already been denied, contact our dedicated disability insurance attorneys at 954-989-9000 or online to schedule a free, confidential case assessment without delay.